A farmer divides his land into 3 equal parts.If total area of land is 15 acrs,what is the area of each part? 8 acr 3 acr 10 acr 5 acr
What is the primary purpose of calculating the NPV of an investment? ZTBL OG III PAST PAPER 07-07-2024
When Pakistan officially joined United Nations Organisations (UNO)? General Knowledge MCQs, Pak Study Mcqs, ZTBL OG III PAST PAPER 07-07-2024
During which year the first World War was started _________? General Knowledge MCQs, ZTBL OG III PAST PAPER 07-07-2024
When Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar issued Comrade Newspaper from Kolkata? Pak Study Mcqs, ZTBL OG III PAST PAPER 07-07-2024
Which financial ratio indicates the proportion of revenue that exceeds the COGS? ZTBL OG III PAST PAPER 07-07-2024
The first biography on the life of Holy Prophet ( PBUH) is written by _____? General Knowledge MCQs, ZTBL OG III PAST PAPER 07-07-2024