Computer MCQS

600 computer mcq pdf. Computer Most Repeated MCQs PDF For Fpsc, Ppsc, Pms, CSS, Spsc, Bpsc, All Others Exams. . Computer MCQs solved questions with answers in PDF.

Which type of data is used for inserting or placing content from the clipboard into a document?

Which of the following will happen when data is added to an existing cell?

In MS Word, superscript and subscript are known as:

In MS Excel, the standard formula contains:

Tehzeeb-ul-Akhlaq is a journal written by:

To check spelling and grammar, which key is used in MS Word:

An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative jargon for it?

Which of the following is not a term of MS-Excel?

The extension of MS Excel is:

By default, the page size of a new document is ___ inches by ___ inches.

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