Which of the following is first generation of computer?
B. IBM-1401
C. CDC-1604
D. ICL-2900
Which of the following is first generation of
computer?Read More »
B. IBM-1401
C. CDC-1604
D. ICL-2900
Which of the following is first generation of
computer?Read More »
A. Van- Neumann
B. Joseph M. Jacquard
C. J. Presper
Eckert and
John W Mauchly
D. All of above
Who designed the first electronics computer – ENIAC?Read More »
A. Computer
D. Sensor
A small or intelligent device is so called because it contains within it a ?Read More »
A. Random origin money
B. Random only memory
C. Read only memory
D. Random access memory
A. processed
B. graphs
C. information
D. presentation
Data becomes when it is
presented in a format that people can understand and use.Read More »
A. Clicking and edit and select all
B. Right click
the chart background and then click select all
C. Press and hgold the SHIFT key and click each box
D. All of above
To select all of the boxes of an organization chart in Ms PowerPoint?Read More »
A. The title area and text area of a specific slide
B. a slide master and title master merged into a single slide
C. A slide
master and title master for a specific design
D. All of above
A. selecting the text and pressing the CTRL key
B. selecting the text and pressing the DELETE key
C. selecting
the text and pressing the ALT+PAGEUP
D. selecting the text and pressing the EXT key
A. Create effect
B. Insert motion path
C. Draw custom path
D. All of the above