When Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar issued Comrade Newspaper from Kolkata? 14 Jan 1910 14 Jan 1912 14 Jan 1911 14 Jan 1913
Which are major seasons for agriculture crop in Pakistan? General Knowledge MCQs, ZTBL OG III PAST PAPER 07-07-2024
Which is the authorized agency to sanction licenses for cable television and FM radio? Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs, Pak Study Mcqs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
During which year the first World War was started _________? General Knowledge MCQs, ZTBL OG III PAST PAPER 07-07-2024
Pakistan became a member of the United Nations in: EST FGEI Past Papers 2024, EST FGEI Past Papers MCQS, Pak Study Mcqs
In the second Constituent Assembly elected in 1955, the Muslim League formed a coalition government with: Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs, Pak Study Mcqs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
The largest textile production center of Pakistan is: EST FGEI Past Papers 2024, EST FGEI Past Papers MCQS, Pak Study Mcqs
If the selling price of a product is rs 150, and the COGS is Rs 80, what is the gross profit? ZTBL OG III PAST PAPER 07-07-2024
If a tractor can plow 2 acr of land in 4 hours, how many acres can it plow in 8 hours? ZTBL OG III PAST PAPER 07-07-2024