Which Caliph (Khaleefa-e-Rashid) died a natural death? Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, Islamyat GK MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
How many peaks in Pakistan areHigher than 8000 meters? CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, General Knowledge MCQs A. 2B. 4C. 5D. 9E. None of these
Antonym of ERRATIC CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, English MCQS, English Synonyms MCQS A. commonB. calmC. normal.D. Alll
Who was the First woman Governorof State Bank of Pakistan? CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, General Knowledge MCQs A. Dr. Farzana RajaB. Dr. Shama KhalidC. Dr. Shamshad AkhterD. Dr. Maria NazE. None of these
Which menu in MSWord can be usedto change character size and typeface ? Computer MCQS, CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, MS Word MCQS A. FormatB. ToolsC. ViewD. None
The book of Hadith, Kitaab-ul-Aathaar, was compiled by Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A)(B) Imam Shafi (R.A)(C) Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R.A)(D) Imam Malik (R.A)
Identify the last Ghazwa in which the Holy Prophet participated: Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, Islamyat GK MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
To which Prophet the Psalms was revealed by God? Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Prophet Moses (A.S)(B) Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)(C) Prophet Jesus (A.S)(D) Prophet David (A.S)
Which Prophet was famous for his patience? Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Prophet Haroon (A.S)(B) Prophet Ayub (A.S)(C) Prophet Musa (A.S)(D) Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)