How many fundamentals (Arkaan) are there in Islam? (A) 3(B) 5(C) 7(D) 9 Show more The answer is: (B) 5The five pillars of Islam are: (1) the shahada (or kalma), (2) salat (or namaz), (3) zakat (charity to the poor), (4) Fasting (or saum) and (5) Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah). more button is clicked by the visitor.1 Show less
The first migration of the Companions and relatives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was to Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Makkah(B) Madina(C) Ethopia(D) Baghdad
What Sahabi (R.A) is known as Fateh-e-Misr (Conqueror of Egypt)? Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Hazrat Huzaifa (R.A)(B) Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)(C) Hazrat Umr bin Al-Aas (R.A)(D) Hazrat Ali (R.A)
In Hajj, touching the Black Stone is known as Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Istilam(B) Sayee(C) Ramee(D) Tawaf
How many circles did Hazrat Hajra complete while running between Safa and Marwa? Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, Islamyat GK MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
حبشہ کے بادشاہ کا کیا نام تھا؟ ASF Inspector PAST PAPER SOLVED 2024 PDF Batch 1, ASF PAST PAPER SOLVED PDF, Islamyat GK MCQs * (A) خسرو پرویز * (B) نجاشی * (C) مقوقش * (D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
Name the first foster mother of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, Islamyat GK MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
How many verses of the holy Quran were revealed in the first wahee? Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Four(B) Five(C) Six(D) Seven