“Gateway to knowledge” was the title of (A) Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A)(B) Umar Farooq (R.A)(C) Usman ibn Affan (R.A)(D) Ali al Murtaza (R.A) Show more The answer is: (D) Ali al Murtaza (R.A) Show less
What was the name of the friend of Khadija (R.A) who delivered the proposal of marriage to Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Fatima(B) Kulsoom(C) Nafeesa(D) Sobia
حضرت علی کا لقب ہے؟ ASF Inspector PAST PAPER SOLVED 2024 PDF Batch 1, ASF PAST PAPER SOLVED PDF, Islamyat GK MCQs * (A) صدیق * (B) عبد الستار * (C) حیدر * (D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
What is payable on agricultural products under Islamic Law? Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Fitrah(B) Hadya(C) Jizya(D) Ushr
At what age Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the first wahi (the first Quranic verses were revealed)? Islamyat GK MCQs (A) 30(B) 35(C) 40(D) 45
The word “Ramadan” literally means Islamyat GK MCQs (A) holy(B) training(C) practical guidance(D) scorching heat
Which famous Ghazwah is mentioned in surah Al-Imran? Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Ghazwah Ohad(B) Ghazwah Badar(C) Ghazwah Khaibar(D) Ghazwah Khandaq
Who wrote the book “Muatta”? Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Imam Abu Hanifa (R.A)(B) Imam Malik (R.A)(C) Imam Ahmed bin Hamble (R.A)(D) Imam Shafae (R.A)
The book of Hadith, Kitaab-ul-Aathaar, was compiled by Islamyat GK MCQs (A) Imam Abu Haneefa (R.A)(B) Imam Shafi (R.A)(C) Imam Ahmad bin Hambal (R.A)(D) Imam Malik (R.A)