What is the capital of Queensland, Australia ?

A. Brisbane
B. Brussels
C. Beijing
D. Doha

There are eight capital cities in Australia, each of which functions as the seat of government for the state or territory in which it is located. One of these, Canberra, is also the national capital. (The national capital was initially Melbourne, following the 1901 Federation of Australia. In 1927, the seat of national government was moved to the newly created city of Canberra.)

Each capital city hosts the judicial, administrative and legislative functions for its jurisdiction. In each state and internal territory, the capital is also the jurisdiction’s most populous city.

1. Australia and Australian Capital Territory Capital is Canberra
2. New South Wales Capital is Sydney
3. Victoria Capital is Melbourne
4. Queensland Capital is Brisbane
5. Western Australia Capital is Perth
6. South Australia Capital is Adelaide
7. Tasmania Capital is Hobart
8. Northern Territory Capital is Darwin

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