What is the only sport specifically designed to be played by participants of both genders simultaneously? General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC 2024 Past Paper AD , INSPECTOR, PPSC Latest Past Papers
Capital of Chechnya is___________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Paris B. Moscow C. Grozny D. None of these Correct Answer is: C
Where is the headquarters of the World Economic Forum in_____________? General Knowledge MCQs A. London B. Paris C. Cologny D. Geneva Correct Answer is: C
What causes bird flu? EXCISE AND TAXATION INSPECTOR, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC EXCISE INSPECTOR PAST PAPER 08-09-2024 (MORNING), PPSC Latest Past Papers
The India-Pakistan “Shimla Agreement” was signed on 2 July 1972 by General Knowledge MCQs, Pak Study Mcqs
The stick which is used to hit the ball in Golf is called__________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Club B. Golf stick C. Golf Hockey D. None of these Correct Answer is: A
________________is the fear of bathing? General Knowledge MCQs A. Agoraphobia B. Acrophobia C. Ablutophobia D. Hydrophobia Correct Answer is: C
Which is the national flower of Croatia ________ ? General Knowledge MCQs A. White Mariposa B. Iris Croatica C. Tudor Rose D. Rose Correct Answer is: B
Keeping of Birds Called___________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Apiculture B. Aviculture C. Viniculture D. Viticulture Correct Answer is: B
Steve Jobs was an American and he was the founder of? General Knowledge MCQs A. Apple B. Google C. Yahoo D. Oracle Correct Answer is: A