The city of Salvador, the first capital of Brazil, was founded on _________ ? A: 29 March 1548 B: 29 March 1549 C: 29 March 1551 D: None of the above
The World Day for International Justice (WDIY) is observed every year on _________? General Knowledge MCQs A. 16 July B. 17 July C. 18 July D. 19 July Correct Answer is: B
“Port of Barrow” is the seaport of ___________? General Knowledge MCQs A. USA B. Australia C. UK D. Canada Correct Answer is: C
The largest continent in the world is: Canal Patwari 10/12/2023 Evening, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
Chapel Bridge is located in __________ ? General Knowledge MCQs A. Sweden B. Switzerland C. Syria D. Spain Correct Answer is: B
Removal of top soil by wind or water is called? EXCISE AND TAXATION INSPECTOR, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC EXCISE INSPECTOR PAST PAPER 28-10-2018 (3RD BATCH), PPSC Latest Past Papers
—– became a member of the World Trade Organization on December 11, 2001. ASF Inspector PAST PAPER SOLVED 2024 PDF Batch 1, ASF PAST PAPER SOLVED PDF, General Knowledge MCQs (A) Malaysia (B) France (C) China (D) None of these
Hazrat Umar R.A embraced Islam, influenced by which Surah Of Holy Quran? General Knowledge MCQs A. Surah Taha B. Surah Yaseen C. Surah Fateh D. Surah Al Maidah Correct Answer is: A
Zam Zam is the spring of water that emerged from beneath the feet of Hazrat Ismaeel (AS). What is the meaning of Zam Zam? Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs, Islamyat GK MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
In which year was the Women Protection Authority established? EXCISE AND TAXATION INSPECTOR, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC EXCISE INSPECTOR PAST PAPER 08-09-2024 (MORNING), PPSC Latest Past Papers
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