Operation Radd UI Fassad means: A. Path to Peace B. Sharp up Cutting Strike C. Path of. Salvation D. None of these (Elimination of discord) Correct Answer: D
Which of the following is not a member of NATO: Assistant Director Intelligence Punjab Police, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers A) Lithuania B) Luxemburg C) Montenegro D) China
The Constitution of 1973 set up …….. legislature. General Knowledge MCQs A. Unicameral B. Tricameral C. Bicameral D. Semicameral The Correct Answer is: C
Larry page and Sergey Brin is the founder of Google. Who is the founder of Wikipedia ……? General Knowledge MCQs A. Bill Gates B. Jeff Bezos C. Jimmy Wales D. Michel Cooper The Correct Answer is: C
How many players are in a water polo team? General Knowledge MCQs A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 Correct Answer is: D
The book A Brief History of Time is written by Assistant Director Intelligence Punjab Police, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers A) Aristotle B) Oswald Spengler C) Stephen Hawking D) Karl Marx
The concept of “Khudi” is associated with the works of: General Knowledge MCQs, Past Paper Junior Clerk Board of Revenue (25/02/2023), PPSC Latest Past Papers
Which Country is called the Land of Opportunities? General Knowledge MCQs A. USA B. Italy C. Germany D. None Correct Answer is: A
The currency of Brazil is__________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Euro B. Peso C. Real D. Dinar Correct Answer is: C
In which year New Zealand Government granted unqualified right of vote to women: General Knowledge MCQs A. 1873 B. 1883 C. 1893 D. 2004 Correct Answer is: C
Which Caliph (Khaleefa-e-Rashid) died a natural death? Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, Islamyat GK MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers