Fatimid Caliphate came to end in_________AD. General Knowledge MCQs A. 1179 A.D B. 1189 A.D C. 1171 A.D D. 1258 A.D Correct Answer is: C
What is the Capital of Jordan? General Knowledge MCQs A. Rome B. Paris C. Amman D. Asmara Correct Answer is: C
The first woman elected to head an African country in 2006? General Knowledge MCQs A. Ellen Johnson B. Graca Machel C. Winnie Mandela D. Helen Zille Correct Answer is: A
Estimated average depth of Arabian sea near Karachi is_________? General Knowledge MCQs A. 2223m B. 2324m C. 2526m D. 2734m Correct Answer is: D
Capital of Lebanon: Assistant in S&GAD PPSC Past Papers 2022, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs A. Tripoli B. Damascus C. Beirut D. All of these Correct Answer: C
Which of the following established a cease-fire line in Kashmir? Assistant in S&GAD PPSC Past Papers 2022, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs A. Indo-Pak Truce treaty B. Aman ki Asha Agreement C. Mirpur Declaration D. None of these (Karachi Agreement) Correct Answer: D
________________is the fear of bathing? General Knowledge MCQs A. Agoraphobia B. Acrophobia C. Ablutophobia D. Hydrophobia Correct Answer is: C
What razor-thin country accounts for more than half of the western coastline of South America? General Knowledge MCQs A. Chile B. Peru C. Ecuador D. Colombia Correct Answer is: A
Which Country is called “Land of milk and honey”? General Knowledge MCQs A. Lebanon B. Iraq C. Syria D. India Correct Answer is: A
The largest planet of the solar system is___________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Earth B. Mars C. Jupiter D. Saturn Correct Answer is: C