How many countries are a part of BRI? General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC 2024 Past Paper AD , INSPECTOR, PPSC Latest Past Papers Ans. d
After Pashtun which is the second largest ethnic group of Afghanistan? General Knowledge MCQs A. Uzbek B. Baluch C. Tajik D. Hazaras Correct Answer is: C
The Greek War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire started in the year _________ ? General Knowledge MCQs A. 1820 B. 1821 C. 1832 D. 1833 Correct Answer is: B
Vocal cords in females are generally _____? EXCISE AND TAXATION INSPECTOR, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC EXCISE INSPECTOR PAST PAPER 08-09-2024 (MORNING), PPSC Latest Past Papers
The Capital of Zimbabwe is __________ ? Capitals of Countries MCQs, General Knowledge MCQs A: Lusaka B: Pretoria C: Sanna D: Harare The answer is: D: Harare Harare is the capital and most populous city of Zimbabwe. It’s a major center for commerce, government, and industry in the country.
ASIS is a secret agency of which country? General Knowledge MCQs A. Australia B. China C. Pakistan D. Canada Correct Answer is: A
“Evening Light” was the failed operation of______________? General Knowledge MCQs A. U.S B. Saudi Arab C. India D. Pakistan Correct Answer is: A
The number of players on each side in Water Polo is_________? General Knowledge MCQs A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9 Correct Answer is: B
The World Trade Organization was established in __________? General Knowledge MCQs A. 1980 B. 1985 C. 1990 D. 1995 Correct Answer is: D