The ‘March of Suffering’ was a devastating famine in: ASF Inspector PAST PAPER SOLVED 2024 PDF Batch 1, ASF PAST PAPER SOLVED PDF, General Knowledge MCQs (A) Sudan (B) Guatemala (C) North Korea (D) None of these
Sydney is the most famous city of_______? General Knowledge MCQs A. Austria B. Australia C. New Zealand D. None of Above Correct Answer is: B
Aeroflot is the airline of___________? General Knowledge MCQs A.Britain B.Holand C.Russia D.Fanland Correct Answer is: C
Who was the 1st Woman Judge of the International Court of justice? General Knowledge MCQs A. Rosa E. Otumbiyeva B. Rosalyn Higgins C. Gertrude Mongella D. Sadako ogata Correct Answer is: B
IOC stands for: General Knowledge MCQs, Past Paper Assistant Auqaf and Religious Affairs (02/12/2023), PPSC Latest Past Papers
“Chennai” is the new name of which Indian city? General Knowledge MCQs A. Patna B. Madras C. Agra D. Lucknow Correct Answer is: B
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