According to the Economic Survey of Pakistan 2022-23, what is the share of the services sector in the GDP of Pakistan? (A) 52% (B) 65% (C) 58%
What was the old name of “Ghana”? General Knowledge MCQs A. Gold Coast B. Siam C. Belize D. Belarus Correct Answer is: A
How many players are in a water polo team? General Knowledge MCQs A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 Correct Answer is: D
According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute 2021 report, which country is the largest arms importer in the world? Assistant Director FIA SOLVED 2022, FIA PAST PAPERS, General Knowledge MCQs A. India B. Saudi Arabia C. Israel D. None of these Correct Answer: A. India
The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between ? General Knowledge MCQs A. Ahmad Shah Abdali and Marathas B. Babur and Ibrahim Lodi C. Akbar and Lal Singh D. Ahmed Shah and Balaji Baji Rao Correct Answer is: A
Capital of Chechnya is___________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Paris B. Moscow C. Grozny D. None of these Correct Answer is: C
The Capital of East Timor is__________? Capitals of Countries MCQs, General Knowledge MCQs A: Dili B: Roseau C: Quito D: Bogota
Myanmar city also called _______ ? General Knowledge MCQs A. Land of Milk and Honey B. Land of Thunderbolt C. Land of Pagoda D. None of these Correct Answer is: C
Which is the highest mountain in Africa? General Knowledge MCQs A. Mt. Kilimanjaro B. Mt. Kenya C. Rocky Mountain D. Colorado Mountain Correct Answer is: A
What approximate part of J&K is under India’s occupation? General Knowledge MCQs A. 75% B. 60% C. 90% D. 50% Correct Answer is: A
‘Macabre’ means: ASF Inspector PAST PAPER SOLVED 2024 PDF Batch 3, ASF PAST PAPER SOLVED PDF, English MCQS, FPSC English Grammar MCQs (A) Gruesome (B) Pleasing (C) Tarried (D) None of these