The National Education Commission of 1959 was established under the leadership of: Pedagogy MCQS A. Fazal ur Rahman B. Liaquat Ali Khan C. S.M Sharif D. Abdul Rub Nishtar Correct Answer is : C
Q. The Realist’s aim of education is Educational Philosophy MCQs, Pedagogy MCQS (a) Self-realization (b) Spiritual and moral development (c) Happy and moral development (d) Total development of personality. Correct Answer is: C
The classification of cognitive domain was presented by Pedagogy MCQS, Teaching Methods MCQs A. Benjamin S. Bloom B. Skinner C. Krathwohl D. Simpson Correct Answer is: a
The item in the column for which a match is sought is? Pedagogy MCQS, Testing and Evaluation MCQs A. Premise B. Response C. Destructor D. None
In multiple choice items the stem of the items should be? Pedagogy MCQS, Testing and Evaluation MCQs A. Large B. Small C. Meaningful D. None