Which learning activity is most effective for promoting attitudinal change? Lecture Discussion Role Play Demonstration
What is the compulsory element of learning? Educational Philosophy MCQs, Pedagogy MCQS (a) Ability to read (b) Bright Mind (c) Tendency to know (d) None of these. Correct Answer is: C
Earned leaves that a civil servant in non-vacation department can avail per month: Classroom Management MCQS, Pedagogy MCQS
According to the theory of forms (or theory of ideas) presented by Plato, the material world is a/an: Pedagogy MCQS A. Shadow B. Image C. Part D. Sign Correct Answer is : A
Memory that holds a lot of information in a relatively permanent fashion is: Educational Psychology MCQS, Pedagogy MCQS
Q. Which branch of philosophy deals with knowledge, its structure, method and validity? Educational Philosophy MCQs, Pedagogy MCQS (a) Logic (b) Aesthetics (c) Epistemology (d) Metaphysics. Correct Answer is: C
The major responsibility of the counselor in the modern high school is to: Educational Psychology MCQS, Pedagogy MCQS