- A. Physical and Motor skills
- B. Intellectual Skills
- C. Attitudes and Interests
- D. None of above
Correct Answer is: b
Cognitive Domain (b) Intellectual Skills:
The cognitive domain, as classified by Bloom’s Taxonomy, focuses on intellectual skills related to thinking and learning. It encompasses various levels of cognitive processes, including remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.
Remembering: Involves recalling or recognizing factual information, concepts, or principles.
Understanding: Involves comprehending the meaning or significance of information by explaining or interpreting it in one’s own words.
Applying: Involves using learned information in new or concrete situations.
Analyzing: Involves breaking down information into its component parts and understanding relationships between them.
Evaluating: Involves making judgments or assessments based on criteria and standards.
Creating: Involves generating new ideas, concepts, or products from existing knowledge or elements.
The cognitive domain focuses on the development of intellectual skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and creativity, which are essential for academic success and lifelong learning.
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