81. The connection between stimulus and response is called

(A) stimulus-response bond

(B) receiving-accepting bond

(C) stimulus-response paradigm

(D) receiving-accepting paradigm

82. The __________ the stimulus-response bond (S-R bond), the better a person has learned the lesson.

(A) stable

(B) unstable

(C) stronger

(D) weaker

83. There are __________ laws of connectionism.

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 4

(D) 5

84. The three laws of connectionism are the laws of

(A) effect, stimulus and response

(B) stimulus, response and exercise

(C) exercise, readiness and response

(D) effect, exercise and readiness

85. According to the law of effect, if a stimulus results in a positive outcome, the S-R bond is

(A) strengthened

(B) weakened

(C) stabilized

(D) unsterilized

86. According to the law of effect, if a stimulus results in a negative outcome, the S-R bond is

(A) strengthened

(B) weakened

(C) stabilized

(D) unsterilized

87. According to the __________, the more you do something, the better you are at it.

(A) law of effect

(B) law of exercise

(C) law of readiness

(D) law of connectionism

88. According to the __________, S-R bonds are stronger if an individual is ready to learn.

(A) law of effect

(B) law of exercise

(C) law of readiness

(D) law of connectionism

89. The __________ says, we are motivated to gain rewards and avoid punishments.

(A) law of effect

(B) law of exercise

(C) law of readiness

(D) law of connectionism

90. The Law of Effect can be effectively used in

(A) accelerate learning

(B) curriculum development

(C) classroom management

(D) teaching methods

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