How much knowledge is gained through the sense of touch?

  • A. 75%
  • B. 13%
  • C. 6%
  • D. 3%

Correct Answer is: c


The percentages of knowledge gained through each sense are commonly known as the “Learning Pyramid” or “Cone of Learning.” While these percentages are often cited, it’s important to note that the exact numbers can vary depending on the context and individual differences in learning styles. Additionally, the validity of these percentages has been questioned, and some educational experts caution against relying too heavily on specific figures.

However, based on the traditional Learning Pyramid, the percentages are typically stated as follows:

How much knowledge is gained through the sense of seeing?
75% %
How much knowledge is gained through the sense of listening?
(b) 13%
How much knowledge is gained through the sense of touch?
How much knowledge is gained through the sense of smell?
How much knowledge is gained through the sense of taste?
Again, it’s essential to interpret these percentages with caution and recognize that learning is a complex process influenced by various factors beyond sensory input alone.

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