“Educational psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with teaching and learning.” Whose definition is this? A. SkinnerB. Crow and CrowC. GatesD. Sorenson
The objectives of education under the National Education Commission of 1959 included: Pedagogy MCQS A. Spiritual values B. Ideology of Pakistan C. Development of individuality D. All of the above Correct Answer is : D
The ____ century saw the emergence of the concept of pragmatism. Educational Philosophy MCQs, Pedagogy MCQS
A choice made between two or more alternatives is called: FPSC SST past paper, FPSC SST PAST PAPER 2018 Batch 1 Solved, Pedagogy MCQS
The objectives of education under the National Education Commission of 1959 were? Introduction to Education, Pedagogy MCQS
The central concept in Freud’s psycho analytical theory is: Educational Psychology MCQS, Pedagogy MCQS