How many columns does a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet have? (a) 256 (b) 1024 (c) 16384 (d) 65536 Answer: (c) 16384
What is a motion path in Microsoft PowerPoint Computer MCQS A. A type of animation entrance effect B. A method of advancing slides C. A method of moving items on a slide D. All of the above The answer is: C [/expand]
Which of these is a type of sound file? Computer MCQS, Power Point MCQS a) DAT files b) LOG files c) DRV files d) WAV files
When you insert an Excel file into a word document, the data are? Computer MCQS, MS Excell MCQS A) HyperlinkedB) placed in a word tableC) linkedD) embedded
physical structure of computer is called ? Computer MCQS A. Software B. Hardware C. Human ware D. All of these The answer is: B [/expand]
When a hyperlink is created, Word formats the Web address as ? Computer MCQS A. italicized and colored red B. italicized and colored blue C. underlined and colored red D. underlined and colored blue The answer is: D [/expand]
To start a slide show of a presentation: Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, Computer MCQS, PPSC Latest Past Papers
The computer abbreviation KB usually means ? Computer MCQS A. Key Block B. Kernel Boot C. Kilo Byte D. Kit Bit The answer is: C [/expand]
What does Ctrl + = key effect? Computer MCQS A. Superscript B. Subscript C. All Caps D. Shadow The answer is: B [/expand]
Linus Torvalds developed which of the following systems? Computer MCQS A. LINUX B. iOS C. UNIX D. Windows The answer is: A [/expand]