The sum of knowledge, disposition, and expertise of the people in an organization is known as: A. Human potential B. Human capital C. Power D. None of these Human capital refers to the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by individuals in an organization.
In MCQs, the stem of the item should be: A. Short B. Meaningful C. Attractive D. None of these The stem of an MCQ should be meaningful to ensure clarity.
What is meant by the term ‘meritocracy’? A. People achieving via merit B. Fraud C. Nepotism D. None of these Meritocracy is a system where people succeed based on ability and merit.
An outline of the topics of a subject to be covered in specific time is called: A. Syllabus B. Curriculum C. Course D. None of these A syllabus is an outline of topics, while curriculum refers to a broader educational plan.
The achievement gained during the career is called: A. Success B. Accomplishment C. Award D. None of these Accomplishment refers to the milestones or achievements during a professional career.
IQ of a student having the same physical and mental age will be: A. 100 B. 125 C. Zero D. None of these IQ is calculated as mental age divided by chronological age times 100; equal mental and physical age results in an IQ of 100.
Education through various resources and methods, excluding direct teacher instruction, is known as: A. Virtual learning B. Alternative teaching C. Blended D. None of these Alternative teaching involves learning through various methods without direct teacher instruction.
Which one is most important for a change in behavior? A. Environment B. Parents C. Education D. None of these Education is the primary factor influencing behavioral change.
A choice made between two or more alternatives is called: A. Assumption B. Decision C. Premise D. None of these A decision is a choice made between alternatives.
A sound curriculum must be based on the needs and aspiration of: A. Society B. School C. People D. None of these A curriculum reflects societal needs and aspirations to stay relevant and effective.