The modification occurred in human education is termed as: A. Education B. Learning C. Teaching D. Curriculum Learning refers to the changes in behavior or knowledge that result from experiences and practice, which is central to human education.
In the British approach, lesson presentation relies more on: A. Teacher B. Content Presentation C. Objectives D. Teacher and Content The British method emphasizes both the teacher's role and the content presented during lessons.
Which is not the mode of CAI? A. Question mode B. Tutorial mode C. Drill mode D. Simulation Mode Question mode is not typically a form of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI), which primarily uses questioning, tutorials, and drills.
Cognitive domain has: A. Three Sub-groups B. Five Sub-groups C. Six Sub-groups D. None of the above The cognitive domain in Bloom's taxonomy comprises six sub-groups: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
The essential characteristic of cooperative learning is: A. Effective learning B. Positive interdependence C. Cooperation D. Division of Labor Positive interdependence is the cornerstone of cooperative learning, where each member's success is linked to the success of the group.
Teaching of tolerance is a threshold of: A. Betterment B. Peace C. Society D. Values Teaching tolerance promotes peace by fostering mutual respect, understanding, and harmony among individuals and communities.
Method used for establishing reliability of the questionnaire: A. Split-half method B. Rational equivalent method C. Parallel form method D. Test-retest method The test-retest method measures reliability by administering the same test to the same subjects at different times to check consistency in results.
“I have sent only for the purpose of perfecting good morals” is the saying of: A. Hazrat Musa (AS) B. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) C. Hazrat Isa (AS) D. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized that his mission was to perfect moral character and ethics.
Allama Iqbal Open University was established under the Policy of: A. 1959 B. 1970 C. 1972 D. 1978 The Allama Iqbal Open University was established in 1972 under an educational policy aimed at promoting distance learning.
In-service teacher training programs are conducted: A. For capacity building of teachers B. To make them busy C. To use funds D. To make them sit In-service teacher training enhances teachers' skills and competencies, improving the quality of education.