The city of Salvador, the first capital of Brazil, was founded on _________ ? A: 29 March 1548 B: 29 March 1549 C: 29 March 1551 D: None of the above
When no tariffs are imposed on all imports and exports it is called___________? EXCISE AND TAXATION INSPECTOR, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC EXCISE INSPECTOR PAST PAPER 28-10-2018 (2ND BATCH), PPSC Latest Past Papers
Who was the viceroy of India at the time of Partition of Bengal…? General Knowledge MCQs A. Lord Curzon B. Lord Wavell C. Lord Minto D. Lord Algan The Correct Answer is: A
Which Country law is considered to be harsh? General Knowledge MCQs A. Iran B. Saudi Arabia C. China D. Ethiopia Correct Answer is: B
Who was the Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2018? EXCISE AND TAXATION INSPECTOR, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
Roger has won how many single Grand Slams? Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute 2021 report, which country is the largest arms importer in the world? Assistant Director FIA SOLVED 2022, FIA PAST PAPERS, General Knowledge MCQs A. India B. Saudi Arabia C. Israel D. None of these Correct Answer: A. India
__________________ is the number one producer of gold in the world? General Knowledge MCQs A. South Africa B. Russia. C. China D. Australia Correct Answer is: C
“Facebook” was launched in__________? General Knowledge MCQs A. February 4, 2004 B. February 9, 2009 C. March 21, 2006 D. July 26, 1994 Correct Answer is: A
The Black forest is located in which European country? General Knowledge MCQs A. Germany B. France C. Britain D. Spain Correct Answer is: A
Who was the first Black Head of State of free South Africa? EXCISE AND TAXATION INSPECTOR, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC EXCISE INSPECTOR PAST PAPER 28-10-2018 (2ND BATCH), PPSC Latest Past Papers