The file that consists of readymade styles that we can easily use for ourpresentation is known as. Computer MCQS, CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, Power Point MCQS A. Pre formattingB. templateC. wizardD. auto-style
LDA stand for _ CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, General Knowledge MCQs A. London Development AgencyB. Lahore Development AuthorityC. bothD. none
What is The maximum Zoom percentage in MS PowerPoint? Computer MCQS, CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, Power Point MCQS A. 100%B. 200%C. 400%D. 500%
How many peaks in Pakistan areHigher than 8000 meters? CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, General Knowledge MCQs A. 2B. 4C. 5D. 9E. None of these
Antonym of ERRATIC CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, English MCQS, English Synonyms MCQS A. commonB. calmC. normal.D. Alll
Who is known as father of E-mail ? Computer MCQS, CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS A. David Ricardo MalthusB. ThomasC. Ray TomlinsonD. None
ASCII stands for: CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, General Knowledge MCQs A. American Standard Conduct forInformation InterchangeB. Armenia Standard Code forInformation InterchangeC. American Standard Code forInformation InterchangeD. None of theseDhaka formaly called
The central section of the SindhSāgar Doāb is located in which desert? CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, General Knowledge MCQs A. TharB. ThalC. CholistanD. Katpana
Which menu in MSWord can be usedto change character size and typeface ? Computer MCQS, CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, MS Word MCQS A. FormatB. ToolsC. ViewD. None
A person who has loud voice iscalled: CTD CORPORAL PAST PAPERS MCQS, General Knowledge MCQs A. AccusedB. OffenderC. GuiltyD. AtheistE. Stentorian