Total districts in Punjab are: A. 30 B. 32 C. 34 D. None of these Correct Answer: D. None of these ( 36)
Capital of Uganda is___________? Capitals of Countries MCQs, General Knowledge MCQs A: Kampala B: Luanda C: Yerevan D: Vienna
Diesel engine was discovered by___________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Paul Muller B. Faraday C. Waldeyer D. Rudolf Diesel Correct Answer is: D
Ariana is airlines of which country General Knowledge MCQs A. China B. Indonesia C. Pakistan D. Afghanistan Correct Answer is: D
The World’s longest glacier “Lambert” is located in___________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. Antarctica Correct Answer is: D
Capital of Algeria is__________? Capitals of Countries MCQs, General Knowledge MCQs A: Vienna B: Algiers C: Annaba D: Oran
Which country made the super fastest computer? Assistant Director FIA SOLVED 2022, FIA PAST PAPERS, General Knowledge MCQs A. China B. USA C. Japan D. Russia Correct Answer: B. USA
Aeroflot is the airline of___________? General Knowledge MCQs A.Britain B.Holand C.Russia D.Fanland Correct Answer is: C
Before independence East Timor was the part of ? General Knowledge MCQs A. Malaysia B. Taiwan C. Indonesia D. Thailand Correct Answer is: C
Gangotri glacier located in__________? General Knowledge MCQs A. China B. India C. Nepal D. Russia Correct Answer is: B
Pakistan Television (PTV) started its live transmission ? EXCISE AND TAXATION INSPECTOR, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC EXCISE INSPECTOR PAST PAPER 28-10-2018 (2ND BATCH), PPSC Latest Past Papers