Kagali is capital of_________? Capitals of Countries MCQs, General Knowledge MCQs A: Chad B: Guyana C: Rwanda D: Spain
Pashmina shawl is made from the hair of ________ ? General Knowledge MCQs A. Cow B. Camel C. Goat D. Sheep Correct Answer is: C
“Night watch” is a famous_____________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Restaurant B. Painting C. Hotel D. Beach Correct Answer is: B
“There is no God other than God and Muhammad is His Prophet” Is The National Motto of_________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Saudi Arabia B. Syria C. Iraq D. Egypt Correct Answer is: A
Karez is the irrigation system of which province of Pakistan? General Knowledge MCQs A. punjab B. sindh C. KPK D. Balochistan Correct Answer is: D
What is the extension of MS PowerPoint presentation file? EXCISE AND TAXATION INSPECTOR, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC EXCISE INSPECTOR PAST PAPER 08-09-2024 (MORNING), PPSC Latest Past Papers
Dar es Salaam was the former capital of__________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Tanzania B. Nepal C. Albania D. Egypt Correct Answer is: A
__________________ is the number one producer of gold in the world? General Knowledge MCQs A. South Africa B. Russia. C. China D. Australia Correct Answer is: C
The phenomenon of ‘Arab Spring’ was sparked by the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi, a fruit-seller in: Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers