The estimate of internal consistency of a test is calculated by using which methods? a) Parallel form b) Kuder-Richardson c) Split-half reliability d) Internal consistency reliability
The ability to use symbols to represent actions or objects is: Educational Psychology MCQS, Pedagogy MCQS
During the second year of life, toddlers begin to take some personal responsibility for feeding, dressing, and bathing themselves in an attempt to establish what Erikson calls a sense of: Educational Psychology MCQS, Pedagogy MCQS
Which model of learning combines in-person instruction with online or digital components? EST FGEI Past Papers 2024, EST FGEI Past Papers MCQS, Pedagogy MCQS
Why might a teacher ask questions during a lecture? Pedagogy MCQS A. Identify the brightest student B. Check if students are listening C. Gauge student understanding D. Assist student learning Correct Answer is : D
Q. Which branch of philosophy examines issues pertaining to the nature of “reality?” Educational Philosophy MCQs, Pedagogy MCQS Correct Answer is: B