A river flows into a quiet lake and begins to form a:
A) Deltas
B) Alluvial fans
C) Natural leeves
D) Point bars
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A) Deltas
B) Alluvial fans
C) Natural leeves
D) Point bars
A) Ibrahim Lodhi
B) Bahlul Khan Lodhi
C) Sikandar Lodhi
D) None of these
…Who was the founder of the Lodhi dynasty of India:Read More »
A) Indian Ocean
B) Atlantic Ocean
C) Pacific Ocean
D) Arctic Ocean
…The world’s deepest trench the Mariana Trench is located in:Read More »
A) Snake: Slither
B) Goat: Bleat
C) lizard : Crawl
D) Elephant : Tusk
…Choose the analogy of words written in capital letters Lion: RoarRead More »