What is the synonym of “Awkward”
A. Laziness
B. Clumsy
C. Bravery
D. Happiness
E. All of these
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A. Moves the cursor one paragraphdown
B. Moves the cursor one line down
C. Moves the cursor one page down
D. Moves the cursor one screen down
E. None of these
“Ctrl + Down Arrow” Shortcut key isused in Ms Word to ?Read More »
A) مولوی عبد الحق
B) مولانا ظفر علی خان
C) سرسید احمد خان
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
A) Carbohydrates
B Proteins
C) Vitamins
D) Fats
…The muscles, tissues, and blood all are made-up of:Read More »