English Synonyms MCQS

Synonym of word Luscious: (لذیذ)

Synonym of Abhor? (نفرت کرنا)

Synonym of “Reticent” (خاموش)

Synonym of DELEGATE is ___? (نمائندہ)

Synonym of PRECARIOUS is __? (خطرناک)

Synonym of PREVARICATE is ___? (جھوٹ بولنا)

Synonym of “capricious”:

    – (A) impetuous

    – (B) awkward

    – (C) deserving

    – (D) None of these

  • Capricious means given to sudden and unreasoned changes of mind.
  • Impetuous means acting or done quickly and without thought or care.

Therefore, the synonym of “capricious” is (A) impetuous.

Antonym of “ambivalent”:

    – (A) ambiguous

    – (B) wasteful

    – (C) perfect

    – (D) None of these

  • Ambivalent means having mixed or conflicting feelings about something.
  • Perfect suggests a complete lack of doubt or uncertainty.

Therefore, the antonym of “ambivalent” is (C) perfect.

Antonym of “acquiescent”:

    – (A) submissive

    – (B) defiant

    – (C) clear

    – (D) None of these

  • Acquiescent means submissive or compliant.
  • Defiant means resisting authority or opposing something.

Therefore, the antonym of “acquiescent” is (B) defiant.

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