In Jamia Millia, the medium of instruction was? A. English B. Arabic C. Son D. Urdu View Answer Correct Answer is D[
In a timeshare operating system, when the time slot assigned to a process is completed, the process switches from the current state to? Computer Science MCQS, Operating System MCQs a) Suspended stateb) Terminated statec) Ready stated) Blocked state
A man spends Rs. 3500 per month and save 12 ½% of his income. His monthly income is? ASF Inspector PAST PAPER SOLVED 2024 PDF Batch 1, ASF PAST PAPER SOLVED PDF, Mathematics Mcqs
Mr. and Mrs. Proudpurent are beaming because their son, little Newton, has been selected for a gifted children program at school. They think Newton is a genius. What sort of advice do they need to hear? Educational Psychology MCQS, Pedagogy MCQS
How many players are in a water polo team? General Knowledge MCQs A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 Correct Answer is: D
PMD stands for General Knowledge MCQs A. Pakistan Medical Department B. Pakistan Metropolitan Department C. Pakistan Meteorological Department D. Pakistan Mediocre Department Correct Answer is: C
United States president, Donald Trump, made his first foreign trip to__________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Israel B. Great Britain C. Saudi Arabia D. Russia Correct Answer is: C
The cell that is in use. Computer MCQS, MS Excell MCQS a) Highlighted cellb) Main cellc) Active celld) Formula cell
The function of educator is to lead the child near reality is the educational philosophy of: Educational Philosophy MCQs, Pedagogy MCQS