Guess the closest possible meanings of the given idiom from the options given below: A pipe dream A. A nightmare B. A daydream C. An unending dream D. None of these (A hope or plan that will never come true) Correct Answer: D
My father was so poor __________: Assistant in S&GAD PPSC Past Papers 2022, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, English MCQS, FPSC English Grammar MCQs A. To get medical help for my mother B. That he cannot buy food for us C. To send me to school D. None of these Correct Answer: B
In the second Constituent Assembly elected in 1955, the Muslim League formed a coalition government with: Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs, Pak Study Mcqs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
A baby’s heartbeat starts: Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
Babusar Pass connects: Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs, Pak Study Mcqs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
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Identify the last Ghazwa in which the Holy Prophet participated: Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, Islamyat GK MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
We use chemical fertilizer to ____ the soil. Assistant in S&GAD PPSC Past Papers 2021, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, Blog
The Institution of Senate came into being under the constitution of: Assistant in S&GAD PPSC Past Papers 2022, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs A. 1956 B. 1962 C. 1973 D. None of these Correct Answer: C
A computer program that translates one program instruction at a time into machine language is called Assistant in S&GAD PPSC Past Papers 2022, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf A. Interpreter B. CPU C. Compiler D. None of these Correct Answer: A