The primary focus of behaviorism in education is: 1000 Pedagogy MCQs, Headmaster Past Paper 2024 AJKPSC, Pedagogy MCQS
Defense mechanisms help the person in protecting the ego from the open expression of Id impulses and opposing. Educational Psychology MCQS, Pedagogy MCQS
Learning means: Pedagogy MCQS A. A change in behavior B. The teaching process C. Curriculum content D. None of the above Correct Answer is : A
The formula to determine I.Q was presented by? Educational Psychology MCQS, Pedagogy MCQS A. Alfred Binet B. Stern C. Gulford D. None Answer is = B
The meaning of “teaching method” refers to the: Pedagogy MCQS A. Style of teaching B. Way of teaching C. Art of teaching D. Substitution Of The Knowledge From Outer World Into Child’s Intellect Correct Answer is : D
The number of score lying in a class interval is? Pedagogy MCQS, Testing and Evaluation MCQs A. Mid oint B. Quartiles C. Class D. Frequencies
Administrative decision making is assumed to be: FPSC SST past paper, FPSC SST PAST PAPER 2018 Batch 1 Solved, Pedagogy MCQS