- A Jerome Bruner
- B Lawrence Kohlberg
- C Wolfgang Kohler
- D Lev Vygotsky
Answer: Correct Answer is : Lev Vygotsky
Explanation: The concept of “scaffolding” in the context of learning and development was proposed by Lev Vygotsky, a Soviet psychologist, in his socio-cultural theory of cognitive development. According to Vygotsky, scaffolding refers to the support provided by a more knowledgeable individual, such as a teacher, parent, or peer, to help a learner achieve a higher level of understanding or skill than they could on their own. This support can include modeling, cues, prompts, feedback, and other forms of assistance tailored to the learner’s current level of competence. As the learner becomes more proficient, the scaffolding is gradually reduced, allowing them to take more independent control of their learning.
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