Who wrote the play “Romeo and Juliet”? A. William Wordsworth B. William Shakespeare C. Jane Austen D. Charles Dickens
Who would be called the English Homer and father of English poetry? English Literature Mcqs, MIDDLE AGES Mcqs
The holidays will begin — June 29. English MCQS, English Prepositions MCQs, FPSC English Grammar MCQs
The Holy Zaboor was revealed on: Assistant S and GAD 2019, Assistant S&GAD PPSC Past Papers PPSC pdf, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC Latest Past Papers
White river is located in______________________? General Knowledge MCQs A. U.S B. China C. South Africa D. Austria Correct Answer is: A
Which of the following deals with diseases related to blood? EXCISE AND TAXATION INSPECTOR, General Knowledge MCQs, PPSC EXCISE INSPECTOR PAST PAPER 27-10-2018 (1ST BATCH), PPSC Latest Past Papers
What was the title of Allama Iqbal’s PHD Thesis: Blog, General Knowledge MCQs, Lecturer English 2024 GK Part, PPSC Latest Past Papers In Germany, he obtained a PhD in philosophy at the University of Munich, with his thesis focusing on “The Development of Metaphysics in Persia” in 1908
The rains have set ______. English MCQS, English Prepositions MCQs A. In B. Of C. On D. Out Correct Answer is :A
The International Energy Agency (IEA) was founded in a year? General Knowledge MCQs A. 1970 B. 1972 C. 1974 D. 1978 Correct Answer is: C
The largest latitude circle on earth is ________? General Knowledge MCQs A. Arctic circle B. Tropic of cancer C. Tropic of Capricorn D. The Equator Correct Answer is: D
Pakistan won the ICC World Cup (One Day) in 1992. It was___________in a row of ICC World Cup. General Knowledge MCQs A. 5th B. 6th C. 7th D. 8TH Correct Answer is: A