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A judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan shall hold office until he or she attains the age of:

  1. 62 years
  2. 65 years
  3. 68 years
  4. 64 years
  5. None of the above

A judge of the Supreme Court of Pakistan shall hold office until he or she attains the age of 65 years.

This information is based on Article 179 of the Constitution of Pakistan, which states:

“A Judge of the Supreme Court shall hold office until he attains the age of sixty-five years.”

The Urdu translation of this sentence is:

“سپریم کورٹ کا جج کتنے سال کی عمر میں ریٹائر ہوتا ہے؟”

65 سال

Therefore, the correct answer is 65 years.

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