- A. Symbolism
- B. Simile
- C. Kenning
- D. Metonymy
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Correct Answer is (C) [
You are correct! The use of “whale-road” for sea and “life-house” for body are examples of C. Kenning.
Here’s why:
- Kenning: This is a unique figure of speech characteristic of Old English poetry. It uses a compound word or phrase to create a metaphorical description for a noun. In your examples, “whale-road” describes the sea as a path whales travel, and “life-house” refers to the body as the dwelling place of life.Symbolism: While kennings can be seen as a type of symbolism, they are more specific and often use two or more words to create the metaphor.Simile: Similes use “like” or “as” to directly compare two things. Kennings are more indirect and metaphorical.Metonymy: Metonymy uses a related word or object to represent something else. For example, saying “the crown” might refer to the monarchy. While kennings can sometimes involve metonymy (e.g., “ring-giver” for king, using the ring as a symbol of power), they are more elaborate metaphors.
Therefore, kennings are the most fitting term for these descriptive, metaphorical phrases used in place of nouns in Old English poetry.
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